Friday, October 31, 2008

Read This Column from Nicolas Kristof

Uh-oh! It's another mainstream media opinion column! Even worse, it comes from the "New York Times" (or its long-time nickname, the "Gray Lady," which is the nickname used when conservatives aren't referring to it as Pravda 2.0.) Nicolas Kristof writes about the subconscious effect of race on this presidential campaign, basing his column on two psychological studies performed during the past year. He even links to two sites that specialize in testing each individual's own unconscious biases, and I would encourage all of you to take both tests.

Of course, if you'd rather depend upon your evangelical preacher, your tent revival leader, or a blog even less well-known than mine to gather information about a choice as important as whom to elect for the next four years as president, ignore me. I'm simply providing the column, and attempting to point out that when people call Obama "foreign," "not like us," or "Muslim" (not true, by the way), it could very well be a manifestation of a subconscious form of racism. I know that's controversial and an emotional subject, but pretending that race is not a factor in this election is absurd. It is, quite simply, the huge elephant in the room that could very well mean that the latest polling numbers in favor of Obama are not quite as accurate as they seem.

Nicolas Kristof, by the way? Is not some radical Bolshevik. He's a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and a well-respected journalist trusted by both sides of the political aisle.

Anyway, here's Kristof's column from Wednesday:

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