Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hillary for Secretary of State: Please God, No

Oh God, please don't let this be true. Hillary Clinton would undermine Obama and make his first two years HELL if this happens:

She is better left in the Senate, where she can be a strong supporter of universal health care and her other pet causes. She can stay in her seat, which she will comfortably win for the foreseeable future, and be like a new Ted Kennedy, helping to pass massive legislation. She can work in tandem with Obama and be a key supporter there.

However, a woman who so desperately wanted to be President is not going to cede easily to the actual 44th Prez behind the scenes, and that kind of power struggle and backbiting among staff members is exactly what Obama needs to avoid in his choices for main cabinet posts, especially the key post of Secretary of State.

Just remember: the Clintons care first and foremost about the Clinton legacy. Our country could use a great deal more of sacrifice and officials who are willing to make the difficult decisions, and a hell of a lot less of the hubris that comes with the Clinton baggage.

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