Friday, February 20, 2009

Listen to This: Santogold

I'm probably late to the party on this-- her debut album was released in May-- but Santogold is one of the best new acts out there. She's a Brooklyn singer-MC (I KNOW, but it's actually good despite the visual stereotype you probably have when I say "Brooklyn MC" which probably makes you want to jump off a very tall building). She sounds a little like she could be M.I.A.'s evil twin sister (I KNOW, but I swear to God, she's not just a re-play of other acts). She has a sound all her own -- each track is a genre-blurring discovery. Like these:

*"Creator": a weird-ass fast-paced street jam with overmodulated beats. You think all of her songs will be like this and she's just an M.I.A. clone until...

*"Lights Out": this is like if the Pretenders and the Cars had a child, and the child married hip-hop. I don't even know how to describe it (obviously)

*"I'm a Lady": sounds a lot like one of my favorite bands, TV on the Radio

*"Shove It": the best hip-hop Jamaican dancehall kiss-off to any ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend that I've heard this year (or any year)

Seriously, download her songs. She shuffles styles as matter-of-factly as your IPod would, and you'll love it.

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