Friday, February 6, 2009

Obama: The LGBT Community Is Watching...

Here's hoping that President Obama does not turn into Bill Clinton and throw the LGBT community under the bus, just because it "doesn't poll well in Iowa."

Not to be cynical, but his choice of Rick Warren for the invocation at his inauguration still infuriates me and most of my friends who are gay and lesbian. Reaching out to all sides of the political spectrum is fine, but allowing someone who compares gays/lesbians to pedophiles to swear you in at the most important event of your life is simply a disgusting and unnecessary messsage to send out to the public.

Let's review some promises Obama made on the campaign trail to the LGBT community:

1) Support for civil unions and full federal rights for gay and lesbian partners.

2) The repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the military and the allowance of gay/lesbian soldiers who don't have to remain half-in-the-closet and constantly worried about being outed in order to serve their country

3) Legislation to prevent workplace discrimination against gays and lesbians.

Will any of this actually come to pass, or will it simply just be thrown in the trash bin along with a number of other campaign promises that will not be followed up on? Let's face it, every presidential nominee makes promises he can't, or won't, keep when the polls come in and the nature of actually being president becomes a reality.

Obama: do not become Bill Clinton. The LGBT community is stronger and more focused since Proposition 8 passed in California. We are fighting the battle of our lives to receive basic civil rights. When I find a partner, I want the option to (if not marry him) at least be recognized with full legal rights like any married couple in the United States. I want the option to be treated like a family member and to be by his side if he is in a serious accident and in a hospital bed. I want to go to work every day without any cloud of discrimination hanging over my head and making me lose promotions, access, or fair treatment like a heterosexual male or female. If I were in the military, I would not want to live my life in fear that someone will destroy my career at any moment by outing me to my superiors.

The members of the LGBT community are watching closely. We're a much larger group than anyone can imagine, and only growing stronger each day. President Obama, don't let us down. It's time to step up and make LGBT rights part of your domestic agenda.

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